Ariana Lake
Can there be a park without a lake? In summer - coolness and noise from boats, in spring and autumn - a delight for the senses with swiming ducks, in the winter - ice rink. This is Ariana Lake, located at the bottom oarianalakef the Borisova gradina (Tzar Boris III Park), near the Orlov most (Eagle’s Bridge), near the “Vasil Levski” National Stadium and “Hristo and Evlogi Georgievi” Blvd. The artificial lake is 175 meters long and 75 meters wide, and when it was finished in the beginning of the twentieth century, it is a real holiday for the residents of the capital, because boats are started put in for the first time in Sofia. In winter the lake becomes the largest rink in the Balkans. Near the Ariana Lake there is a beerhouse with the same name, which at any time of the year gathers people of all ages with their delicious food and good music.